How to Create Powerful Customer Testimonials Using Video
Figuring out where to spend your time and money as a marketer is tough. We are seeing more and more companies use customer video testimonials to turn their prospects in customers. Smart companies create customer testimonials because they know their potential customer wants to hear from their peers. Think of customer video testimonial as a referral from a friend. Now how do you create a powerful customer testimonial using video ? First, lets start off by answering what is a customer testimonial video?
A lot of people view testimonial video as a video that will be hanging out in a single place, collecting dust. That is not necessary true. A lot depends how how you create customer testimonial videos. These videos are useful as an introduction to what you do and why you’re valuable, as well as near the bottom of the funnel as a reiteration of your service and what other customers are getting from you. Here are a few examples of different types of customer testimonial videos.
A. Zappos Customer Success Story
B. Amazon Customer Story
C. Tesla Customer Testimonial
D. Zendesk Customer Story
C. Zoom Testimonial
Tips for creating powerful testimonial videos:
It is important to choose the right person to be on camera. Having industry leaders vouch for you is always a good start.
Use first 8 seconds to engage the viewer.
The following 20 seconds should establish who the customer is.
The next 30 seconds talking about the problem they faced. This is a very important part! This is the value you are offering to a potential customer.
During the final 30 seconds, discuss how your product solves their problem.
Ensure the viewer can relate to the customer.
and don't forget about distribution! but that's a topic we will leave for another day.